423 Miles

Got up to a C-O-L-D morning. Low reported was 47
°, seemed colder by a lot to me. Pulled onto I-90 about 8:15 a.m. and within three minutes I was stopped and putting on the balacava (ski mask for those who don't know what this is). I believe in being prepared.
(Click on any pictures to enlarge)
For my buddy, Bobby J:
Saw a sign in the restaurant this morning that said:

Knowing you can relate!!!

Pretty, and lonely, country through here.

I am constantly amazed at the tenacity of life. This guy isn't holding on, he's flourishing.
(I really like this picture. Looks more like a painting than a photograph. Click to enlarge.)
Finally got off the "slab!" Turned south at Cactus Flats (what a name, huh?) on SR240. This is a loop road which takes one by the northern section of the Badlands National Park.

Betsy in the Badlands
(Sounds like a song title, doesn't it?)
And what was Betsy doing in the Badlands?
She was being bad, bad, bad!)

Badlands National Park.

A cat would have to pack a lunch to get through this place alive.

I tried my best to ignore the sign that said, "Watch out for Rattlesnakes."

Ah, the excitement! I've discovered another example of Lucy walking through the ages. I'll be as famous as the Leakey's of Olduvai Gorge. I'll never be able to wear a hat again!!! I'll be rich!! I'll be famous!!
Ah...the disappointment. After careful analysis I determined, using the pattern, they were Bruno Maglis. That damned O.J. gets everywhere. He'll probably have some lame-assed alibi like, "Aw, man, I was in Las Vegas !"

Left the park but didn't take the loop back to I-90. Veered onto SR44W just west of the park exit and headed toward Rapid City.
Did I mention it was lonely out here? Did I mention that I love this kind of riding?

Some pictures just scream to be taken!
At Rapid City I took SR79S to SR16S to SR16A.

I must relate at this point that my sources have lied to me. My image is NOT up there as promised. I'm considering legal action.
What was the name of that lawyer who sued the Oriental cleaners in Washington, D.C. for millions of $$s for messing up a pair of trousers? I'll contact him, he seemed to know what he was doing.

Beautiful work, but I must confess a little disappointment that my Senior National Park Pass didn't mean a thing. They still clipped me for $8 for a parking pass. But, the guy said, it's good for a year. Yeah, like I'm going to leave my bike there for a whole year.

Oh, and Kilroy was here.
Retreated back down SR16A to SR16 turning south for Custer.

Some local folks came out to see me and wish me a safe trip.
In Custer I took SR385 south heading for Nebraska and the scenic by-way on the north shore of the Platte. I have to report it wasn't all that "scenic." The road runs between 1/2 and 2 miles from the Platte River so the scenery is the pretty trees which line such a water way. I prefer being in the movie as opposed to watching it.
Oops, in Oelrichs I did the music by lane thing again and took the wrong turn, missing where SR18 and SR385 split. This took me east through Oglala and the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation before I realized I'd "done it again."

Have you figured out that I think tenacity a virtue of the first magnitude?
Yet another solidary survivor in SR87S near Pine Ridge.
I took SR87S out of Pine Ridge through Rushville to Alliance, NE. Sort of neat I screwed up, otherwise I'd never have caught Carhenge just outside of Alliance.

Carhenge - 3 1/2 m. north of Alliance, NE

A guy in town told me the town was in an uproar when this local eccentric decided to do this. That is, until the tourists started coming through to see it.
Now ain't that just the American way?

I guess I "understood" the Carhenge thing, but it appears he had some creative juices left over.
Pulled into Alliance, got a hotel room and a great shower. One of these days I'll talk about motorcycle ride showers. They are really special things after a day of riding. But not today.
Found a nice restaurant with required bar and got a great Walleye filet. My absolute favorite domestic fish (Overall favorite is Dover Sole). I like to eat in the bar in these restaurants. Met a couple of electricians in town for a job and we had a good old time talking Nebraska football and arguing who were the best athletes, baseball or football players (it's baseball players hands down). Experienced one of my truly terrifying scenarios when I stood up to pay my tab (including a couple of rounds bought for the "boys" in reciprocation) and discovered I'd left my wallet and money in my riding pants at the hotel. I have absolutely NOTHING on me.
The young lady tending bar and handling my order was rather new at this business, so she didn't hesitate when I told her I was sans wallet and I'd have to go to my hotel and be right back. She just said, "Sure, no problem." I know she was new because anyone who'd been doing this for any length of time would have had some walk-outs by now, and have been at least a little dubious about some guy saying he'd forgotten his wallet and would be right back. I expected the guys at the bar had an over-under on whether I came back or not. I did, within ten minutes, and gave her a whopping tip for her kindness and trust.
Tomorrow: East and south into Kansas. No, I don't give a damn about Dorothy and her fancy shoes, but I might see if I can visit Bat, Wyatt, and Doc.