Got up to a GREAT morning. Fall has fell. Temperature was about 52 degrees and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The predominant trees up here are deciduous, meaning the leaves change color and fall...hence the name of the season, Fall? I don't know, but it fits. The leaf changes are just beginning and with the cold front that moved through here over the last couple of days I expect they'll really get going. Should see more color as I go north.
Took US41N to Evansville, IN where I found a dealer (second one I tried) with the correct sized tire for my bike. Overpriced Michelin, but what can you do? I was there by 9:30 a.m. and out a little after 11:00 a.m.
(Click on picture to enlarge)
Continued on US41N to I-64W. Stayed on the interstate only a few miles exiting on Illinois SR1N for about five miles at Grayville, Il.

Saw this old police car in Grayville. It said Mayberry P.D. on the side. ("Andy, we aren't in North Carolina any more.")

Took SR130N through Albion and Olney, changing to SR33N in Newton. This took me through Effingham to Beecher City where I took SR128N to SR16W.
To the left is the basic scenery from Madisonville, KY to Springfield, IL. What ain't a corn field is a soybean field. Towns are neat and pretty, some rolling hills with trees, but mostly things someone stuck in the ground.
In Pana I took SR29N to Springfield and Mr. Lincoln's house.

And Kilroy was here.
(Couldn't get Betsy in to include her...picky government bureaucrats.)

Mr. Lincoln's neighborhood.
Lucky surprise! First I got a room...a little pricey, but I got one. I didn't know this was a big deal until I went downtown to see the Lincoln house. The entire downtown area was being blocked off, vendors were setting up everywhere, there were a couple of bandstands with bands warming up...smelled of party. And it was. This weekend is the Route 66 Mother Road Festival in Springfield. I talked with one of the original organizers and he tells me they expect something on the order of 1,000 vintage cars in town this weekend. Tonight was a parade into town, lots of music, foods, folks! Some neat cars in here. I had a couple of beers, took a few pictures and booked it to the hotel before I fell asleep.

Saw this and was reminded of Lincoln's story regarding his first Secretary of War, Simon Cameron of Pennsylvania. According to Lincoln when he asked Thaddeus Stevens about Cameron's honesty Stevens replied, "I do not believe he would steal a hot stove."
Judging from this perhaps trash bins are prime pickings.

Thought this was in San Antonio.
It does, however, represent several battles in which I've been involved.
Some of the vehicles seen tonight.


I once had this car. 1963 Chevy convertible.
(Except mine was Cherry Red and prettier)

Best I saw tonight: 1958 Chevy Impala
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